The underlying logic of wealth is cognition, and the underlying logic of cognition is to establish a symbiotic relationship with highly cognitive professionals.
Financing is to deal with one difficult thing after another, especially these special events need wealth planning. The first type is family events, such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, immigration, children's education and pension, etc The second type is the events related to the enterprise, such as tax planning, debt crisis, enterprise listing, and the owner seeking someone to hold shares.
简介:保险中介行业高管,润川家办创始合伙人 CIFA协会授权IFA(中国区)知本家,企业家保险板块负责人 熟悉民营企业及企业主家庭风险前置管理。擅长股权类资产传承的咨询与规划
简介: 加拿大证券学院院士FCSI 国际保险师CLU 资深财富管理培训导师 擅长国际化综合财富管理规划
Enterprise security planning.
Entrepreneur preservation and inheritance.
High end medical security services.
Analysis and allocation planning of common major assets.
Consulting service of transnational international expert team.
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Tel: 0532-58555818