The underlying logic of wealth is cognition, and the underlying logic of cognition is to establish a symbiotic relationship with highly cognitive professionals.
Financing is to deal with one difficult thing after another, especially these special events need wealth planning. The first type is family events, such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, immigration, children's education and pension, etc The second type is the events related to the enterprise, such as tax planning, debt crisis, enterprise listing, and the owner seeking someone to hold shares.
简介:保险行业高管,传家家办创始合伙人 CIFA协会授权IFA(中国区)私行家,IFA独立理财师大赛亚军, 熟悉民营企业及企业主家庭风险前置管理。擅长保险金信托,家族信托资产传承的咨询与规划。
简介: 中华遗嘱库副主任、北京市瑞银律师事务所高级顾问、国际金融理财师CFP、以家族信托为顶层设计工具,配套增值管理、保险、遗嘱等服务,为高净值人士提供家族财富管理综合解决方案、服务项目 -资产配置、股权架构、家族治理 -企业治理、税务筹划、风险隔离 -养老规划、子女支持、家族慈善 -家族基金、财富传承、财产继承
简介:经济学硕士 ,资深寿险规划师,擅长家庭风险管理和资产配置及传承。
Enterprise security planning.
Entrepreneur preservation and inheritance.
Cross Border Safeguard Arrangements..
Analysis and allocation planning of common major assets.
Consulting service of transnational international expert team.
Tel: 010-851818888